faq 1
Most asked Question relative to content, eLearning, cloud and delivery
Our solution can support any types of Digital content and deliver it to the edge Gateways close to the end users.
Example of content:
– Live TV, Radio, Live event
– Video, Audio, eBook, Application (APK), Web pages etc..
You can provide your own contact or select content from our partners catalog
The content is protected by the same DRM encryption used for internet video streaming (OTT) and certified by studio. DRM protects content from the broadcast to the end user smart devices.
Yes, content is protected after download in the smart devices. the License Key will be valid for a duration to be defined.
Our solution includes a Local Learning Management System (LMS) running on the gateway. We can therefore deliver Video lessons, text, pictures, Audio together with 40+ different interactives activities to engage the children and keep track of their progress.
Standard remote eLearning system are available on internet but require kids to have access to internet and pay data which is difficult in emerging market due to the digital divide. Two third of the kids in the world do not have access to internet at home and most kids in emerging market cannot afford data.
Our Local eLearning solution is delivered from satellite and can reach any places in the word. eLearning is stored on our local gateways and streamed via WiFi to kid’s smart devices without any dependency on internet and without any cost for children. Additionally, there is no bandwidth or data limitation supporting hundreds of users.
Our technology is the most cost effective solution on the market to provide eLearning to all the kids.
EMS is our Cloud Education Management system. You can select a eLearning content and customize it. You can also create your own eLearning content according to your curriculum. Select from 40+ interactives activities to engage the children and track their progress.
The CMS is our Cloud Content Management System. It is use to manage your content and schedule the delivery via Satellite broadcast.
The GMS is our Cloud Gateway Management System to update, configure and monitor each gateway on the field.
We can use any broadcasting Satellite. Depending of your target territories, we will propose you some Satellite partners where we have already ported our technology to reduce your time to market. Bandwidth will also be defined according to your needs.
faq 2
Most asked Question relative to Gateways and target application
MAP means Media Access Point. Our gateways have been designed to perfectly fit with our Satellite OTT technology. The gateway are industrial grade to work in harsh environment. We have designed different models to fit different needs in the field.
Our gateway can support up to 5 Satellite or Terrestrial inputs (2 being the standard). After reception, the gateway is performing a de-encapsulation and turn IP from Multicast to Unicast. Local URL is created with manifest and Chunk for local streaming over WiFi.
Our gateways can support standard 2.5″ SSD or HDD. The storage capacity will be defined according to your needs and can store thousands of video (8TB and more).
Yes, the gateway can access internet via 4G/5G or from ADSL or Satellite Modem (VSAT). Internet can be used for return channel only but also shared with end users over the WiFi depending on your business model.
The streaming capacity will depend on the model of the gateway and if we use WiFi repeaters or LAN network. Depending of the scenario, it can support from tens users to hundreds of users watching different content at the same time.
End users can use their browser on their Laptop, tablet or Smart devices to open our web interface, navigate on the catalog and watch content. They can also download our application on Android and iOS. Web pages and application can be customized.
Yes, depending on the business model, content can be free or monetized by advertisements, transactions or subscriptions.
The solution can be used for different purposes targeting Kids, children, students and even adults:
- Full curriculum or Extra curriculum for schools
- Training for professionals, corporations, governments
- Civic education for adult
- Health, farming education
- Information
- Entertainment (Public or local TV, Radio, VOD, Music, eBook..)
the Gateways can be installed in any location where public are on the go with their own devices:
- Schools, universities
- Remote village, township, communities centers
- Hospitalities (Hotel, restaurant, bar)
- Transportation hub: airports, Train and bus stations, bus shelter
- Transportation: planes, Trains, Bus, Cargo and cruising ships, leisure boats..
- Shopping mall, hospital, offices
- Mines, oil platform
- and more